‘My art challenges contemporary installation by merging it with painting and other genres of art such as drawing, photography and text. The use of multi-dimensional hybrid imagery, composed of intricate dot patterns and ambiguous reflected images figure prominently in my work, in which viewers are meant to engage with polished mediums and light as they move throughout the installation. 

I consciously questionthe post-Anthropocence future in which human civilization as we know it no longer existsthrough the lens of current scientific thought, using theories of gene variation and questioning the central dogma of molecular biology throughout the present age and the past. Reflection is central to themes I explore, in which I seek to deconstruct ideas of human spirituality - that is, birth, life and death as mirrored cycles of past, present and future. These notions connect to the fundamental human questions: ‘Where we are from?’ and ‘Why we are here?’, and how thoughts on the universe are related spiritually.’